Major markets exist all around the world and allows you to access the world’s financial markets wherever you’re based. The main difference between CFDs and other types of trading is the fact that you don’t have to own the underlying asset in a CFD trade. With CFDs, you merely speculate on the movement of prices, instead of being a minority owner and having an ownership stake. You will however still benefit from corporate actions such as dividends. Capital Com Online Investments Ltd is a limited liability company with company number B. Capital Com Online Investments Ltd is a Company registered in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas and authorised by the Securities Commission of The Bahamas with license number SIA-F245.
Many financial markets out there have rules in place to stop traders ‘going short.’ However, CFD markets generally allow this strategy. CFDs give you the flexibility to trade markets in both directions. Whether the market is bullish or bearish, there are always other external factors than just buyers and sellers that can affect the AMZN share price. For example, earning reports, political or economic news, and other factors affect the share price in the short-term. These rises and falls are usually temporary but make for good volatility for traders to capitalise on.
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The Company’s registered office is at Bahamas Financial Centre, 3rd Floor, Shirley and Charlotte Street, P.O. Box N-4865, Nassau, Bahamas.